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Run the node using Docker

Hardware requirements

CPU8 Cores

Auto Installation

NOTE: Run as a root user

cd $HOME && curl -o && bash

NOTE: Run as a non-root user

cd $HOME && curl -o && bash

Check logs

docker logs -f x1 --tail 100

Backup your private key at ~/xen/data/keystore

1. Check Node

2. Fill Form

Remember: use wallet in output create at step 1

3. Add X1 chain to metamask

  • Scroll down and click on Add X1 Blockchain ᵀᴹ Testnet

4. Import wallet to Rabbit wallet and export private key:

Download Rabbit Wallet

  • Use private key ~/xen/data/keystore file name UTC-*** import to rabbit wallet and export private key to import to metamask

5. Create a validator and get the validator ID

  • After receiving 100010 XN token in your wallet go to Link

  • input in createValidator your public key created at step 1 and input value 100000 and click Write


Restart the node to active your validator:

Edit docker-compose.yml :

cd ~/xen/docker
vim docker-compose.yml

Update command in compose as below :

 command: ["--testnet", "--syncmode", "snap", "--datadir", "/app/.x1","", "your_validator_id", "--validator.pubkey", "your_validator_public_key","--validator.password", "/app/validator_password.txt", "--xenblocks-endpoint", "ws://", "--gcmode", "full"]

And restart your node :

cd ~/xen/docker &&  docker compose up -d

Verify the status of your node at

Register Validator Name and Icon

  • Create a JSON Configuration File: You will need to create a JSON file containing the validator's name, logo URL, website, and contact information. This file will later be uploaded to the X1 Testnet smart contract.

Template for JSON file:

"name": "VALIDATOR_NAME", /* Name of the validator */
"logoUrl": "LOGO_URL", /* Validator logo (PNG|JPEG|SVG) - 100px x 100px */
"website": "WEBSITE_URL", /* Website URL */
"contact": "CONTACT_URL" /* Contact URL */

Example JSON configuration:

"name": "Validator_1",
"logoUrl": "",
"website": "",
"contact": ""

*Important: As a name of the server, do not include any special characters or spaces (e.g. Validator_1 is valid, but something like "🐧Validator #1" would not work).

  • Upload the JSON File: Save the JSON file with a .json extension and upload it to your web server. The file should be available at, accessible to anyone with a web browser.

  • Update the X1 Testnet Smart Contract: Visit the URL: X1 Testnet Smart Contract.

  • Connect your Metamask wallet and navigate to section number 5 (updateInfo):

  • Enter the URL of your JSON file (e.g., and press 'Write':

  • Upon completion, your validator's logo and name will be displayed on the list of validators at X1 Testnet Staking Explorer.

Remove Node

cd $HOME
docker stop x1
docker rm x1
rm -r $HOME/go-x1

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