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· 3 min read

Installing Sonaric AI Node

In this tutorial, we install Sonaric AI Node on a Linux machine to receive points

Node requirements are very low, You can run this alongside your other nodes

System Requirements

4 GB4 Core20-40 GB SSD

1. Dependecies

# Update packages
sudo apt update && apt upgrade -y

sudo apt install curl make wget clang net-tools pkg-config libssl-dev build-essential jq lz4 gcc unzip snapd -y

2. Sondaric Node

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  • After Installation, Your node starts running in the background

3. Check your node is running

sonaric node-info


4. Update Sonaric

apt-get update
apt-get install sonaricd sonaric

# To confirm the node is running the latest version
sonaric node-info

5. Optional: Access GUI Dashboard (Check Rank & Points)

  • This step is optional, Do this only if you want to access the Sonaric GUI dashboard running on your VPS to check your points and node status

1- You need to run the following command in your local machine like your Windows and NOT in your VPS

2- You can use WSL or Putty to run this command

3- Before run the command, Replace user with your VPS username (usually it's root) and your-vps-ip with your VPS IP address

4- After entering the command, You must Enter Yes, and your VPS password

ssh -L -L -L -L user@your-vps-ip

5- Open a web browser on your local machine and navigate to http://localhost:44004 to access the Sonaric GUI.


  • Optional: Install WSL on windows:

    1- In windows start menu, Find and Right click on Windows Powershell and Open as administrator

    2- Install WSL with wsl --install

    3- Close & Open and then enter: wsl then enter a favorite user + password

    4- Your WSL terminal is ready!

Also, you can check your points by entering this command in VPS sonaric points


6. Backup your node

  • In order to export the current identity of your node to a file called your-node-name.identity, run the following command
sonaric identity-export -o your-node-name.identity

You can specify a different file name by changing your-node-name.identity to the desired file name. The name is arbitrary and can be anything you like.

Transfer and save the file in your local PC. You can use Mobaxterm or Termius to directly access to your directories

It is normal to see different file contents each time you export the identity. The file is encrypted using a method that randomizes the output.

6.2 Backup your node

  • You can back-up your node in GUI dashboard too


7. Receive 100 Points

To receive instant 100 points, you can use this referral code in GUI dashboard: nwfq5ty


8. Discord Role (Operator)

Join Discord:

1- Type: /addnode in #general

2- Copy the code

3- Move to your VPS, then paste:

curl -sSL | bash -s -- CODE

Change CODE with code from step above
