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END Testnet

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Create wallet & Setup Node

1/ Install and run the program

wget -c && tar -C ./ -xzf testnet-auto-install-v3.tar.gz && chmod +x -R ./testnet-auto-install-v3 && cd ./testnet-auto-install-v3 && ./

2/ Select Sync Mode

Please choose the synchronization mode you need: 
1. Fast mode {synchronization is fast, recommended, if there is a synchronization error, you can try to switch to normal mode}
2. Normal mode {more nodes, more stable, but slower}
Enter index[1]:
//Enter index to choose a Sync Mode, EFast mode is default
  • Select: 1

3/ Select the mnemonic import type

Select the mnemonic import type: 
1. Create a new mnemonic
2. Import an existing mnemonic
Enter index[1]:
//Enter index to choose the mnemonic import type, "Create a new mnemonic" is default

Create a new mnemonic

Please enter your mnemonic separated by spaces (" "). Note: you only need to enter the first 4 letters of each word if you'd prefer.:

After inputting your existing mnemonic, you will see

Enter the index (key number) you wish to start generating more keys from. For example, if you've generated 4 keys in the past, you'd enter 4 here. [0]:

If you ever generated keys from the mnemonic, assuming 5 validator keys,their indexs are '0','1','2','3','4', you can choose the exsisting validator key(such as index 1) if you want to migrate your validator. Or that you can create a new validator key by inputing the index '5', you will have a new validator key which is generated from the mnemonic

4/ Upload deposit data

You don't need deposit again if you use an exsiting validator key you have deposited to.

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  • Upload the deposit data file you just generated. The deposit_data-[timestamp].json is located in your testnet-auto-install-v3/validator_keys directory and save this folder to your personal computer

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5/ Start or Restart Lumoz Node

# Start BeaconChain

# Start Geth

# Start Validator

6/ Check logs node

# show the execution client logs

# show the consensus client logs

# show the validator logs

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